Evolve Education Consulting LLC

Supporting school leaders who empower communities

Our Services

Leadership Mentoring

EEC provides support for leaders interested in guided self reflection for strategic planning, personnel matters, student management, and work/life balance. This work is non-evaluative for the mentee and seeks to improve problem-solving skills.

Leadership Mentoring Program (10, 20 or 30 hrs)

Based on the School Leader Collaborative: School Leader Paradigm (2015), the 1:1 mentoring program will focus on four areas of development:

Cultural Responsiveness - The school leader understands, appreciates, and interacts with people of varying backgrounds in order to promote cooperation, collaboration, and connectedness among a diverse community of learners.

Personal Intelligence - The capacity of the school leader to reason about personality and to use personality and personal information to enhance one’s thoughts, plans, emotions, and life experiences.

Social Intelligence - A school leader’s set of interpersonal competencies that inspire others to be effective.

Systems Intelligence - A school leader’s understanding of the inner-workings and leadership of complex systems within their learning organization.

Candidate Recruitment and Screening 

The job market for school leaders is competitive, and securing the right pool of candidates is a time-consuming task. EEC can handle this for you by monitoring applications, recruiting, and responding immediately to inquiries.

EEC can also facilitate candidate screening and interview process management with a personalized approach that will convey your school district's high standards and a welcoming work environment.

Black Excellence

What do we mean by Black Excellence? Defining it starts with understanding both the legacy of transformative contributions that Black Americans have made to our country from the beginning of our history, and the historical lens of systemic racism and acknowledging its impact. Black Excellence work can include several areas of focus depending on the needs of the community. A required element is the development of student leaders to define what excellence means to them. Elements of a Black Excellence plan will also include:

  • Inclusion of the parents of Black students

  • Leadership development for those who serve Black students

To have a sustained impact, Black Excellence work must be part of a school district’s strategic plan.